Index: Greek OT (Septuagint/LXX)


Psalms 107

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107:1 wdh yalmou tw dauid

107:2 etoimh h kardia mou o qeoV etoimh h kardia mou asomai kai yalw en th doxh mou

107:3 exegerqhti yalthrion kai kiqara exegerqhsomai orqrou

107:4 exomologhsomai soi en laoiV kurie kai yalw soi en eqnesin

107:5 oti mega epanw twn ouranwn to eleoV sou kai ewV twn nefelwn h alhqeia sou

107:6 uywqhti epi touV ouranouV o qeoV kai epi pasan thn ghn h doxa sou

107:7 opwV an rusqwsin oi agaphtoi sou swson th dexia sou kai epakouson mou

107:8 o qeoV elalhsen en tw agiw autou uywqhsomai kai diameriw sikima kai thn koilada twn skhnwn diametrhsw

107:9 emoV estin galaad kai emoV estin manassh kai efraim antilhmyiV thV kefalhV mou ioudaV basileuV mou

107:10 mwab lebhV thV elpidoV mou epi thn idoumaian ektenw to upodhma mou emoi allofuloi upetaghsan

107:11 tiV apaxei me eiV polin periochV tiV odhghsei me ewV thV idoumaiaV

107:12 ouci su o qeoV o apwsamenoV hmaV kai ouk exeleush o qeoV en taiV dunamesin hmwn

107:13 doV hmin bohqeian ek qliyewV kai mataia swthria anqrwpou

107:14 en tw qew poihsomen dunamin kai autoV exoudenwsei touV ecqrouV hmwn


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